‘Dear Diary’

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Just like any amount of you bloggers out there, I too used to keep a diary or journal of sorts before I began blogging. A lot of significant things have been happening in my life over the past year or so, and it was my way of letting out pent up feelings and remembering special days or whatever, so that I could look back someday and see what I went through. You know? Because sometimes you remember that something insane happened in your life – but after a while you forget just how crazy you felt. And most times when I read back to something I’d written ages ago, it feels like I’m reading the thoughts and feelings of someone else.

‘The Diary’ was my place to have a good rant about anything and everything – not giving a flying fart who would read it. Knowing that everything I felt and every word I wrote would be protected withing the privacy of those pages, unlike a blog, which can only get to a certain extent of ‘personal’.

Last night, I sat with my journal, a little grudgingly, because I needed to write a a few things down. (Initially thought I’d become lazy to actually WRITE.)

And when I checked the date of my last entry, it said January 01st, 2009. A sketchy little entry, written at 3am.

I put in yesterdays date, and began to write. And I realized there was SO MUCH that I hadn’t put down, things that I didn’t wanna forget, and I realized how much I had actually neglected it. And I missed writing. Just the basics. Just stuff that probably mattered only to me.

Much like this post.

Anyways, I was reminded of how much I’ve changed, from maybe a year ago, to now. I love that I can look back and see what mistakes I made, the highs and the lows of my life. See where I’ve gone around in cirlcles at times, with one problem, and see how I overcame it.

Pretty inspiring stuff.

6 responses

  1. lady divine

    I do that with my blog.. I never had diaries.. looking back at older posts makes me think about me…

    and I just had a blast from the past and wrote a long ass post! 🙂

  2. stella

    i have a collection of pretty journals with a few pages filled… i like buying them, it’s a vast colleciton.

  3. slotter

    A journalist friend once told me, “Blogging and writing are two different things”. One cannot replace the other. How true 🙂

  4. blackexists

    @ LD – yeah – it’s just a great way to see how you have evolved huh? 🙂

    @ Stella – i knowww!! I love getting a funky journal to write in! 🙂 For me, part of the attraction lies there.

    @ Slotter – that statement is just so insanely real. I ove diong both 🙂

  5. hansimann

    Hi. Is that story of the unlucky businessman true? I think he must have been very brittle (weak) to begin with if a single incident like the mugging changed him into an alcoholic and pessimist. But, maybe that is fate. I have, though, knows people to go through much more without destroying their families…

  6. blackexists

    yeah that was true…. its pretty sad huh? and in any case he MUST have been really unstable to fall apart with just one blow – but the thing is they don’t have a lot of money to begin with yeah? But the point was that sometimes life is like that, for some people. Its unfortunate – but it happens.

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