out-of-sight (for ‘ye olde chocolate wanker’ :D )

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12 responses

  1. St. Fallen

    so Gayhan gets a special mention and I don’t? :O
    hehe, it is a rather scary coincidence though O.o
    maybe our minds caught the same waves 😀
    I love the eyes, reminds me of peacock feathers too o.O

    that’s only the “official” title of the song though
    I refer to it as “Get back in the frame, bitch” 😛

    love the colours!

    1. black

      yeah! the coincidence IS a little freakaay! & I thought it would be tooooo corny if i did two special mentions in one day. so – sorry – he got first dibs 😛 lol
      and yeah it does appear quite bird-like. glad you like it! 😉

    2. Chavie

      gotta agree with fallen… love the colours!! 🙂

  2. Chavie

    lol @ the “ye olde chocolate wanker” bit! 😀 😉

  3. Makuluwo

    Ye olde chocolate wanker?! LOL who IS that? I was thinking St Fallen when I read it first, what with the whole, ahem, ‘alleged chocolate in pocket’ incident.

    The sketch is gorgeous as usual! 😀

  4. ~ lo$t $oul ~

    *stares at the screen two seconds, faints and bangs the head on the table*

    How do you come up with theseeee?!?!?!

  5. black

    @ Chavie-bumm and Maks – thanks! and ‘Ye Olde Choco Wankoff’ is in fact not that ‘olde’. 😀 maks is actually closer to home 😉

    @ Lost Soul – I DUNNO! 😀 and i wasn’t even under the influence at the time! 😛 bah!

    1. Chavie

      I know who you’re referring to, black… 😉 lol

      1. black

        lol… looks like the gAME is up!! 😀

  6. Just Chillin’

    Loved it! As much as your other drawings 🙂

    1. black

      thanks!!! 😀

  7. Suri

    nice 🙂

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